Saturday 10 September 2011

Serius Fakta - Hubung Kait Agama , Ideologi dan Moraliti


Terima kasih
Dr Bong for the tip

Laporan asal Izismile


  1. Nice. mmg tepat skali tuh

  2. serius win sialllllllllllllllll

  3. get over it !

    truly true.

  4. the Keffiyah award of Missing the Whole Damn Point goes to yui92


  5. What is this anti semitic post? where is teh jeeeewwsssss!?

  6. agree with the post. religion is not a tool of separation among people. its a tool of peace. GET OVER IT!

  7. aaa.. betul la. besok kau jawab dgn Allah Taala camtu. osshit! i forgot you're an atheist! mana ada tuhan ye tak?

  8. @yui92

    probably atheists have the same thinking about u, they pity you for missing the point of having a religion.

  9. kalau baik je sbb agame, kalau jahat salah org tu...that is bull.

    religion is ridiculous. irish berperang sesama sendiri sbb agama, iraq vs iran is sunni vs shiite, israel vs palestine is jew vs muslim, north sudan vs south sudan is muslim vs christian north nigeria vs south nigeria is muslim vs christian, thai vs southern thai is buddhist vs muslim

    keep your religion to yourself bitch! however if you want to propagate ethics like anti-corruption, responsible, caring, loving etc it is ok with me.

  10. the chief of evil empire is ethical? philanthropist sure but ethical, that is laughable.

  11. sad but true..mmg rmai pun yg ckp mnum arak romen sana sini x pose..dll..pstu bile ade isu agama sket..dia plk mlampau2 komen..

  12. pd crixus~

    religions are guidelines to become a better person..(kalo folo btol2 ar)

    kalo ad org tuh salahgunakan agama atau buat bnda jahat(wlaupun x beragama).. maka org itu yg jahat..

    tp kalo org tuh folo btol2 agama ataupun buat bnda baek(wlaupun x beragama).. maka org itu yg baek..

    contoh mcm duit/harta, manusia snggup berbunuhan sbb bnda2 nie.. xkn nk salahkn duit/harta? manusia yg nk berebut.. sedangkn zaman batu dahulu kala yg serba kekurangan pn manusia tetap nk berbunuhan sesama sndri.. sblom kedatangan agama pn manusia dh brperang~

  13. ko ni atheist ke obe?fact tahi lembu ko

  14. oh for those who disagree... the fact is religion always comes first.. whether or not people are becoming good or evil, the choice is theirs.. still, religion is meant for goodness, guidance and blessing..

    can you survive on your own?

    if no, then start looking for god

    preferably ALLAH since he;s the one and only god..

    to gambo and firdaus tarmizi.. thanks for your brilliant comment..

    to obe... please stop posting about religion as you are clearly bad about it

  15. @ Yui92 Either you are a troll or you are a bit delusional about the level of your knowledge concerning religion and self-proclaimed holiness or "closeness" to God.. If you were really sincere, you would be less spiteful and be more open-minded about discussions regarding these topics... don't drag your belligerent mentality into the mud..

  16. point to ponder, bila senang..tak ingat Allah/Jesus/Yehovah/bla bla bla..huha huha tapi bila ditimpa musibah atau kesusahan..masa tu lar baru nak rujuk kat Allah/Jesus/Yehovah/bla bla bla...yeah right..

    captcha : conted *mcm lain jer biler sebut*

  17. yui92 : "btw to live without a religion is a type of evil itself... because if you do, you are violating you right to be having god in your life.."

    oink oink~ believing in G-d doesnt necessary means you in any religion~ even Buddha is a religion without a G-d~ most of the malay freethinker(including me) actually believe in G-d existence but considering no other religion suit our own believe, we remain religion-less~

  18. please la obe ... u are my brother. the one not relate with ethics is the person, not the religion.

    please jangan menjatuhkan agama anda sendiri.

    nobody should agree with this. our religion teaches us all good manners, with sunnah. Masalahnya, orang pengamal agama tu sendiri yang tak taat kepada agama nya.

    minta saudara2 saya semua yang agree dengan gambar ni mengucap dua kalimah shahadah semula.

    This is advice, not confrontation. To all my brother and sister.

  19. kau paham ke mesej entri ni AHMAD

    what u just TYPED is THE message this picture is TRYING to tell lah bro

    u need to learn basic english comprehension la bro

    FUCK ME!

  20. SETUJU - kalau dilihat dari sudut islam semata2 tentulah ia salah - namun Islam is not the only religion in this world - and some actions which considered as ethical, may and may not be religiously correct

    (excpt when ur good muslim then automatically you ethically correct)

    just disagree with good and evil muslim - if they're evil then they are not muslim at all - just nama je islam

  21. fuck it muslim naver being evil



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